VII Edition - AgroExpo Award for Business Innovation


The Trade Fair Institution of Extremadura | FEVAL, will make available to companies the Business Innovation Point, where they will be permanently exposed (duration of the contest), those products or services submitted to the contest. The objective of this Point is to publicly recognize the work of the company that has developed strategies or outstanding actions of an innovative nature, in processes, products or services, in the commercial field or in management and administration, which has allowed it to obtain relevant results.

2.- Recipients.

a.- Particiapant enterprises:

  • All Spanish or foreign companies registered as exhibiting companies can participate in the XXXI Edition of AgroExpo | International Fair.
  • Participating companies must have at least one year of legal constitution.
  • The participating companies must belong to the sectors of Agriculture, Livestock, Agri-food or service sector provided that the product in question is addressed to any of the above.
  • Participating companies must register duly, completing the application attached as Annex No. 1.
  • The data of each participating company will be exclusively used by FEVAL, as an Organizing Company.
  • Participating companies with international character, will be responsible for monitoring and delivery of their products for the evaluation of the jury. The organization is not responsible for delays caused by Customs or other control bodies.

b.- The product:

  • To compete, each participating company must submit at least 1 product and a maximum of 2 products.
  • The products submitted to the contest will be those that serve agricultural, livestock and agri-food development.
  • The products must have the necessary records for commercialization.
  • The products presented will be those in which innovation concepts have been applied.
  • The innovative product must have a maximum of 2 years on the market.
  • The product must be perfectly labeled or informed where the manufacturing, transformation, etc. processes are established.
  • The participation of products currently under study or raw materials will not be accepted.

3.- Participation process and conditions.

The companies interested in participating in the VII Edition of the AgroExpo Award for Business Innovation must present the data that allow evaluating the innovation effort, as well as the identification data of the head of the company that submits the application, in accordance with the attached form.
Of the candidatures, the strategies, actions or projects of an innovative character developed by the candidate company maximum in the last two years, in processes, products or services, in the commercial field or in management and administration, which has allowed the company to obtain technological advantages, or any other relevant result that gives you a competitive advantage.

4.- Shipping and delivery time.

The candidatures must be submitted before January 18, 2020 at the Fair Institution of Extremadura, located in Paseo de FEVAL S/N 06400 Don Benito (BADAJOZ) or via email:

The company that wishes to present the documentation by postal mail or at the AgroExpo offices, will do so in an envelope duly identified by the company’s commercial name.

Anyone who chooses to send by e-mail, in the subject must state «VII Edition of the AgroExpo Award for Business Innovation». </p >

In both cases, it will contain the following documents:

  • Registration form.
  • Explanatory report of the innovative process applied to the product that allows the jury to evaluate the innovation presented to the contest. This report, at the discretion of the participating company, may include as many elements as it deems necessary, which may help the jury both in the understanding of innovation and in the evaluation of the marketing section.
  • Companies that do not deliver the complete documentation will be required to provide the pending documentation.

In case of not correcting the required deficiencies, within the following 7 calendar days from the date of notification, they will not be taken into consideration. </span >

5.- Product Exhibition:

  • The products will be displayed during the days of the AgroExpo event.
  • The national and international buyers will have the opportunity to know the innovative product and the possibility of receiving an explanation about said product, in the stand of the participating company.
  • For the exhibition of the product the organization of AgroExpo, will make available to the participating companies a specific space, within the exhibition area of the fair.
  • The decision of the jury will be announced and the prize will be awarded to the winner of the contest, on Saturday, January 26 at 12:00 hours.


The Jury that will evaluate the products will be composed of people of recognized prestige within the agricultural, livestock and agri-food sectors.

7.- Product Presentation.

All the products submitted to the contest will be exposed and duly identified in a specific place, within the exhibition area, designated for this purpose, under the name «Innovation Point» Business «.

8.- Criteria of evaluation of the Project.

The assessment of the same will be done independently and secretly by each of the members of the Jury. The evaluation criteria are elaborated based on the needs that the Organization has identified as important for the products presented to be considered INNOVATIVE.

3 aspects will be evaluated:

  • Product Innovation.
  • Presentation and finishing.
  • Marketing.

The assessment score will be arranged as follows:

  • Product Innovation: 0 to 5 points
  • Presentation and finishing: 0 to 4 points
  • Marketing: 0 to 3 points

Not being able to overcome, therefore, the 12 points in total.

9.- Prize Assessment.

Considering the PROMOTION as the greatest value that can be given to any product or service, the organization will materialize the recognition to the winner of this VII Edition of the AgroExpo Award to the Business Innovation, through:

  • A first prize endowed with an economic amount of € 2,000 + Testing and Certification of the product by CICYTEX for one year.
  • A first runners-up with an economic amount of € 1,000
  • A second runner-up with an economic amount of € 500
  • Promotion of said recognition in the different media and social networks.
  • Special section and express mention on the AgroExpo website until the next edition.

More information:

FEVAL | Trade Fair Institution of Extremadura Walk of FEVAL S / N, 06,400 Don Benito (BADAJOZ) Tel: 924 82 91 00